The Illinois Family Lawyer

Commentary on the practice of family law (and other riveting subjects) from a Chicago lawyer

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Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I've run into this before...

I had a hearing yesterday after the IL Dept. of Healthcare and Family Services had frozen some $12,000 of a father's because he owed back child support. He actually was attempting to appeal this "freeze." Why? Allegedly his name was simply placed on his mother's account to help her with bill paying, ect. Don't do this!! It's a long shot that he'll be successful in fighting this.

The first lesson I suppose is don't get behind in child support payments. BUT, if you do get behind (and it does happen sometimes) keep your savings where IDHFS can't find them. And surely don't share an account with another person where the money isn't even yours.


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