The Illinois Family Lawyer

Commentary on the practice of family law (and other riveting subjects) from a Chicago lawyer

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Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Monday, February 19, 2007

Child oft support's forgotten basics...

I get about one call per week (and often a new client) that relates to a terrible problem for payors of child support...could this be you?

Sadly, 90% of these cases were people who did not use an attorney when their initial divorce was finalized. And it always goes back to this basic fact about one's child support obligation, your child support obligation DOES NOT STOP UNLESS YOU GET INTO COURT TO STOP IT!! It does not get lowered unless you get into court to lower it! And I'm always getting these, usually father's, coming in either after they've been put in jail for contempt of court or they're some $30,000 in the whole on back child support. And my sad answer in 99% of cases is that I can't do anything about the back child support. Once child support hasn't been paid for 30 days, it becomes a Judgment against that person and Peter the Lawyer nor the judges in these cases can do anything about it.

So gang, let's be smart, if you become unemployed or you have an income drop, get into court and modify your child support downward. Don't chince on a lawyer for this type of's a 1 or 2 court appearance thing and it's not going to cost you an arm and a leg.


Blogger FLC said...

Or, do what most father's do either voluntarily or through lack of funds... dissent. The so called Family Courts do not serve families, they serve to make fathers indentured servants to women who cannot fend for themselves in a so called equal world.

11:52 PM  
Blogger Peter said...

I think there's something to that. The way support just keeps running and father's (typically) don't know how/when to stop is far too often tragic.

12:44 PM  

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